Call for Papers - The Electronic Mathematician

    In the near future Sun Microsystems, Inc. will designate the Mathematics Department of the University of British Columbia as one of a small number of SunSITEs in North America. (Look at for a list of all of them, and some information about what they do.) If as busy as other SunSITEs, this will give us exposure and stability of serious magnitude. Because of this, our proposal to Sun included (yet another) electronic mathematics journal - but one a bit different from nearly all the others (as far as we can tell, all but the Communications in Visual Mathematics proposed by Thomas Banchoff).

    We propose to publish stuff in our journal that is essentially electronic in nature - as opposed to those electronic journals that act as mere distribution sites for conventional papers. Among the things we imagine acceptable are

    • Lots of hypertext & HTML
    • Lots of graphics - extensive use of colour, complicated images in PostScript or other formats, MPEG, and Java
    • Documentation and distribution of software
    • Technical discussions of mathematical graphics

    In the long run we will probably narrow our areas of interest, but for the moment almost anything fitting this description, or perhaps anything else you can come up with, will be OK. We imagine that most contributions will be of an expository nature, but that is not a requirement. The single major restriction we have in mind is that stuff should be as portable as possible - documentation of all kinds must be readable from one of the major browsers, for example. As far as software is concerned, we are not at the moment too concerned about what platforms it will run on, but precise documentation and specs are extremely important. If your choice of platform is narrow, then the documentation ought to be good enough for someone to implement it on other platforms.

    Submissions will be refereed in the usual way as far as mathematical content is concerned, and we ourselves will try to offer technical advice as problems arise.

    We have included you in a small list of mathematicians we believe to have an interest in such a medium of publication. We would like to urge you to think seriously about contributing an article to one of our early issues. If you are interested, or just have questions, please write back to us.

    Bill Casselman
    Djun Kim