Latin dictionary
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damnatio :
damno :
to condemn, damn.
dapifer :
de :
(prep. + abl.) down from, from, concerning, about.
debeo :
to owe, to be morally bound to, to be bound by.
debilito :
to weaken, enervate, sap, exhaust.
decens, decenter :
properly, fittingly, suitably.
decerno :
to decide, determine, settle.
decerto :
to contend, fight to the finish.
decet :
it is seemly, comely, suitable, proper.
decimus :
decipio :
(deceptus) ensnare, trap, beguile, deceive, cheat.
decor :
beauty, grace.
decoro :
beautify, embellish, adorn.
decorus :
beautiful, graceful, charming, proper, fit, becoming.
decretum :
decree, judgment, edict, order.
decumbo :
to fall, fall into, lie down.
dedecor :
unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable.
dedecus :
shame, dishonor, disgrace, crime, dishonorable act.
dedico :
to dedicate.
deduco :
to lad out colonists, found a colony.
defaeco :
to cleanse, purify, purge.
defendo :
to defend, ward off, protect, shelter.
defero :
to hand over, carry down, communicate, offer, refer.
defessus :
weary, tired.
defetiscor (defessus) :
to grow tired, weary.,
deficio : (defectum) :
to fail, to weaken, to be in want.
defigo :
fasten down, secure, fix firmly / concentrate, fix upon.
defleo :
to weep for, bewail.
defleo :
to bewail, weep for.
defluo :
to flow down, waste, disappear.
defluo :
to flow away, disappear, be lost.
defungo :
to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die, finish
degenero :
to cause to degenerate, disgrace by degeneracy.
degenero :
to be unlike one's kind, fall off, degenerate.
degero :
to pass time, live.
degusto :
to taste.
deinde :
next, then, thereafter, from that place.
delectatio :
delight, pleasure, enjoyment.
delecto :
to attract, delight / (pass + abl) take delight in.
delego :
to transfer, commit, assign, impute, attribute, ascribe.
deleo :
(deletum ) to destroy, wipe out, erase.
delibero :
to consider, deliberate.
delicate :
luxuriously, delicately, slowly.
delicate :
(adv.) luxuriously.
deliciae :
allurements, charms, delights, fancies / sweetheart
delinquo :
to fail, be wanting / fail in duty, commit a crime.
deludo :
to mock, cheat.
demens : (dementis ) :
insane, mad, out of one's mind, foolish.
demergo :
to sink, plunge into, dip under, go into debt.
demitto :
set down, let fall (to offer payment to the church), lower.
demo :
to take away, subtract.
demonstro :
to indicate, show, describe, explain.
demoror :
to loiter, linger, tarry, belay.
demulceo :
to stroke down, caress by stroking.
demum :
at length at last, finally.
denego :
to refuse, deny, reject.
denique :
at last, finally, again, in short.
dens : (dentis ) :
denuncio :
declare, give notice, announce.
denuntio :
to announce officially, pronounce, declare.
denuo :
anew, again, a second time, afresh.
deorsum :
depereo :
to perish, be utterly ruined.
depono :
to put down, lay aside.
depopulo depopulor :
to lay waste, ravage, devastate.
deporto :
to carry off, to take away.
depraedor depredor :
to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage.
deprecator :
intercessor, one who pleads on behalf.
deprecor :
to entreat for, beg for / intercede / curse.
deprecor :
to beg by entreaty, to excuse oneself / curse.
deprehensio :
deprimo (depressus) :
to press down, depress, low-lying.
depromo :
to take down, produce, fetch out.
depulso :
push aside, thrust away.
deputo :
to count, estimate / prune, cut off.
derelinquo :
to forsake, desert, abandon.
derideo :
to laugh at, mock, deride.
deripio :
to tear down, snatch away.
desidero :
to long for, wish for greatly, to miss.
desidiosus :
lazy, unmotivated.
desino (desiit) :
to leave off, give over, cease, stop, desist.
desino :
cease, stop, end, desist.
desipio :
to act foolishly, play the fool, make an ass of one's self.
desolo :
to leave desolate, abandoned, to forsake.
desparatus :
given up on / desperate
despecto :
overlook, despise, look down upon.
despero :
to have no hope, despair, give up.
despero :
to be without hope, despair / despair of, give up.
despiciens :
despicio :
to look down, regard from above, despise.
desposco :
to demand.
destinatus :
resolute, firm, determined, with one's mind made up.
destituo :
to set down, place / abandon, leave in the lurch.
detego detectum :
to uncover, lay bare, disclose.
determino :
to fix the limits of, set boundaries to, delimit.
detineo :
hold off, hold back, detain.
detrimentum :
damage, loss, detriment.
deus :
devenio :
to come to, arrive at, reach.
devito :
to avoid.
devoco :
to call away, call down, call aside.
devotio :
(Christian) piety, devotion, zeal.
devoveo :
to consecrate, sacrifice, devote / curse, execrate.
dexter :
right, on the right.
dextera :
the right hand.
diabolus :
devil, Satan.
dico :
(dictum ) to say, tell, speak, name, call, pronounce.
dictata :
things dictated, lessons, presents.
dictator :
dictito :
to say often, reiterate.
dicto :
to say often, dictate, get written down.
didicerat :
(?) Herimann, p. 281.
didico :
to be told (Herimann cap. 39, 44).
dido dididi didtum :
to separate, divide, distribute.
dies diei :
diffama -tus :
spread around, made known.
differo :
to spread news / delay, defer, postpone.
differo :
to spread about, spread news / harrass, disturb.
differo :
to delay, postpone / to differ, be different.
differtus :
stuffed full, crammed, jammed.
difficilis :
difficult, hard, troublesome.
difficultas :
difficulty, need, trouble, distress.
digestor :
arranger, composer, one who makes a pattern.
dignitas :
merit, worth, prestige, dignity.
dignosco dignosco :
to distinguish, recognize as different.
dignus :
(+ abl.) worthy, worthy of, meritorious.
digredior digredi digressus :
to depart, deviate, digress.
digressio :
separation, departure, digression.
digressus :
separation, departure, digression.
dilabor :
to break up, scatter, dissolve, slip away, fall apart.
dilato :
to spread out, extend, expand, increase.
dilgenter :
attentively, earnestly, carefully, diligently.
diligens :
diligent, careful.
diligentia :
diligence, industry, perseverance, persistence.
diligo :
to choose out, esteem highly, prize, love.
diluculo :
dawn, daybreak.
diluo :
(of troubles) to remove, resolve.
dimidium :
dimitto :
to break up, dismiss, leave, abandon.
directus :
plain, simple, direct, open, straightforward.
diripio :
to tear in pieces, lay waste, devastate, plunder.
diripio :
to separate, tear apart / pillage, devastate, lay waste.
dirunitas :
long duration.
diruo :
to demolish, destroy, ruin.
discedo : (discessum ) :
to break up, depart, go away, pass away.
discidium :
separation, division, disagreement, tearing apart.
discipulus :
disciple, student, learner, pupil.
disco :
to learn, become acquainted with.
discrepo :
to differ, to be different, vary, disagree.
dispono :
to arrange, put in order, draw up (troops).
disputatio :
debate, dispute, discussion.
disputo :
dissero :
to examine, treat of, discuss.
dissimilis :
unlike, different, disparate, dissimilar, distinct.
dissimulo :
to ignore, leave unnoticed.
dissimulo :
to conceal, disguise, keep secret.
dissolutus :
lax, weak, wanting in energy, dissolute, profligate.
distinguo :
to mark off, distinguish, divide / separate.
distribuo :
to distribute, divide.
districtus (fr. distringo) :
strict, severe / hesitating / busy.
distulo ; (past) to delay [MGHss 25 : 268].
dito :
to enrich, make wealthy.
diu :
by day, for a long time, a long time ago.
diu :
adv. a long while, long time, for a long time.
diutinus :
lasting a long time, enduring, long-lived.
diutius :
longer, too long (a period of time).
diuturnus :
lasting a long time, of long duration.
diversus :
different, unlike, opposed, hostile.
dives :
rich, opulent, wealthy.
divinitus :
divine influence, admirably, nobly, by inspiration.
divinus :
divine, sacred.
divitiae divitie :
riches, wealth.
do dare dedi datum :
to give, offer, convey, offer, donate, furnish.
doceo docui doctum :
to instruct, teach, tutor.
doctor :
doctrina :
doctrine, teaching, instruction, learning.
doctus :
taught, instructed, learned, tutored.
dolens :
doleo :
to suffer pain, to be pained, grieve.
dolor :
pain, grief. misery, pain, suffering.
dolose :
slyly, deceitfully.
dolosus :
crafty, cunning, sly, deceitful.
dolus :
fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap.
domesticus :
domestic, civil.
domina domina :
lady, mistress.
dominatus :
rule, mastery, tyranny, domination.
dominus domino :
master, lord.
domito :
to tame, subdue, break in.
domus :
house, home, residence.
donec :
up to the time when, until, as long as, while.
donum :
gift, present, donation.
dormio :
to sleep, slumber, siesta, nap.
dubito :
to doubt, hesitate.
dubium :
doubt, hesitation, reservation.
duco :
to lead on the march, marry a wife, command.
duco :
to lead, draw, esteem, consider.
duco :
to draw, shape, construct / (time) spend, delay.
duco :
to charm, influence, mislead, draw in.
duco :
to calculate, count, reckon, esteem, considered.
dudum :
for a long while, a long while ago, some time age.
dulcedo :
sweetness, pleasantness, charm.
dulcidine :
sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly.
dulcis :
sweet, pleasant, agreeable.
dulcitudo dulcitudinis :
dum : while, as long as, until.
dummodo :
(conj. + subj.) provided
dumtaxat :
at least, not less than / at most, not more than.
duo :
to harden, last, endure.
durus :
hard, harsh, tough, strong,enduring, / rough, rude, uncouth.
Dusiol petram :
dux ducis :
leader, guide, commander, general, duke.
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